Welcome to my blog! Like most times I try and write diaries, emails and all things which require words on paper, I get really in to it for about a day and then I lose interest... this time I hope it will be different...

You can help by leaving me comments on things I write.. If I know you've been reading that will give me motivation to keep writing :)Not sure what it will say, thoughts of the moment, things I've been doing perhaps, but most of all its my life in New York, my NY second, so hop on board for the ride :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Ride

I'm going to start writing again... I've tried many times and plan these epic posts which I never get to the end of. I've decided to start small, get something up here, and go with the flow and see what happens.

Tomorrow I'm 30, right now I'm still 29 and am not too inspired by the prospect. My friend told me earlier this year that being 29 is like having a loose tooth that just won't let go of your gum, you can feel the small connecting fibers everytime you drink, and you just wish you could tie a piece of string around it and pull it out... I fully agreed! Even though 29 was a great year for me, the age itself didn't do much for me... not quite 30 yet, but always thinking that its coming up and that you may as well be there already! I'm usually all excited for birthdays, not so much for this one... I guess when you're young you believe that by thirty you'll have it all figured out, all settled, and it would be time to just sit back and enjoy your adult years... at least that's what I thought, and for some it may be, for me its not just yet. Somethings are good, somethings are getting there, and some have a way to go... I feel young, about 24 to be exact, so I guess that's a start. I'm heading in with apprehension, but hey I'm time isn't turning backwards, so I guess from tomorrow I may as well get on with being on the other side and just enjoy it! In the meantime I'll just enjoy the next few days of what is going to be The Birthday Festival, come along for the ride!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Only in New York

...just a few things that I notice that I thought I would share... should have started this months ago...

Only in New York...

8. are the buildings so old that when you stand up from your desk at work your chair rolls to the opposite side of the room.
7. the fact that a tv show / movie is filming on your block is ordinary. The day that they are not there is out of the ordinary.
6. apartment buildings only stay standing because they are connected to one another
5. pumpkins and turkeys take priority over christmas trees
4. do they not put margarine on your sandwich as default, but will happily put a stack of 8 slices of cheese, or turkey as thick as a sausage on your roll.
3. does it takes 5 fire engines and 4 ambulances to get a cat out of a tree.
2. do they put garden chairs on median strips... just in case you want to watch the traffic fly by... I think its because there are no parks or green areas to put them in.
1. sultana does not exist in their vocabulary.

great start i think.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Last week we had a long weekend, so I headed down to New Orleans (or N'Awlins as the locals pronounce it) for an long-long weekend... 4 days of hanging in the sun and thunderstorms down in the deep deep South... (well not that deep but a little). It was really an eye opening experience and probably the most unique city I've visited so far. We stayed in the French Quarter, one of the oldest and most touristy part of the city. By day it is a quaint, European, tree lined and terrace filled mini city, and by night it becomes wild when the city's finest come out to party. Bourbon St, one of the main streets of the quarter, lined with open bars and clubs and jazz haunts gets closed off whilst all these venues are overflowing with party goers dancing and singing as live bands belt out jazz, rock and pop songs from all ages. Handing out grenades, hurricanes and 'big ass' beers, (all beverages) the only rule is too pour your drinks into plastic before venturing outside... yes, in N'Awlins you can drink alcohol in the streets, and it seems that's what the locals are best at! As the nights got later the crowds seemed to grow, whilst their demeanor more trashy... we seemed to have landed in NO not only on the busiest long weekend of the year, but it also happened to be the second biggest gay event of the year after mardi gras, so as you can imagine the outfits were as colorful as over.

There is a tradition in New Orleans, originating from Mardi Gras time, when gay men would throw bead necklaces to waiting crowds to generate excitement, today it has also been a tradition picked up by the streetworkers who fill Bourbon St strip joints and massage parlours... they hang out their windows from two stories high and throw necklaces at oggling boys who await them in the street below... in the day time you see trees filled with left over beads from party nights throughout the city... i don't think they are ever removed...

Late one night we stumbled across an amazing piano bar.. if you ever get down there its called Pat Obriens, it has a massive windowless room with two grand pianos... famous for their hurricanes (6 shots and some red stuff in a big cup) three musicians would rotate around the pianos and belt out old tunes to the excited audience... although loud and slightly raucous it was way more chilled and enjoyable then the hecticness outside... we actually ended up visiting every night we were there... we were even dedicated our own rendition of 'I come from the land down under'!

By day the city is all but deserted... i guess everyone sleeps off their big nights... our day times were spent exploring the different areas of the city. The bit I enjoyed most was a tour of the devastated regions of Hurricane Katrina. Our guide took us through the 9th Ward, it was amazing to see that it was still as delapitated as the day after the hurricane left, just 5 years later... wood houses windowless, roofless, broken verandahs and staircases, desolate. Inhabitants in every 10th house, not a person in sight at 12pm on a Saturday... 14 ft below see level this was the hardest hit area, and the one to receive the least aid. With water up to their roofs, residents unable to evacuate or swim, tried to scramble on to their rooftops and ride out the storm...most didnt make it. Every couple of blocks there are vacant plots... places where houses stood before the storm, which were washed away in its fury. Every other house in the 9th ward has spraypainted big X's on the house, a sign left by rescuers to show that they had been inside to look for savivors. Under the X's listed what was found inside... 1 human, 1 dog, 1 bird. As a low income area, with very few residents who returned the government hasn't put any funds in to fixing the area, the residents that are left have very little amenities because of this, no cable no filtered water, no internet. One bright hope for the future of this area is an initiative by Brad Pitt. New Orleans is covered with signs and t shirts saying 'Brad Pitt for Mayor'. Besides him and Angelina living in their own NO mansion, Brad has started a fundraising project whereby he has invited 10 famous architects from around the US and given them each several plots of land in the 9th Ward and encouraged them to build what ever housing they liked. The houses are then given to Hurricane survivors. The houses are mostly ultra modern and brightly painted, a stark contrast to the rest of the neighbood, but nevertheless a heartfelt initiative. The neighbourhoods surrounding the 9th Ward are filled with mansions, houses like you've never seen, 16 room residences, beautiful gardens, amazing that these which were also under 15ft of water, 5 years later look like nothing ever happened... it was a clear indication of with who the governments priorities lay.

We also went on a steamboat ride down the Mississippi... sounds cooler then it was... one other thing... Southern Food... well lets just say its an acquired taste... think every off cut you could find in a chefs kitchen, every part of the bull, the crab and the lobster, boiled for hours and served as a thick interesting smelling soup... they call it Gumbo... we preferred to stick to the hotel for food... the final day before our flight we jumped on a street car (tram) and toured the New Orleans suburbs... i felt like i was in a scene from To Kill a Mocking Bird... was a great weekend... one I feel exposed all the facets of the true America... life outside New York.

This weekend I'm taking it easy.

I'm staying in. Just me the gym and maybe a trip to Macy's...... just for Dad's present! promise!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Times are changing...

It's been over a year now in NY and things are starting to feel like home. I've finally learnt the value of each coin, I know the subway map like the back of my hand, my laundromat lady, Zarina and I are on first name basis, she makes her staff save my washing so she can fold it when she gets in, and words are starting to come out slightly Americanised, Tom-A-to, Wate-R, Z-ee, Sometimes its easier to just adapt rather than get questioned each time. The time has flown, I've visited a different state almost every month, entertained guests just as regularly on my famous blow up bed ("guarenteed to be the most comfiest bed ever slept on") and have spent almost every cent I've earnt on entertainment, concerts, plays, musicals, food, drinks, travel and clothing. It truly has been an awesome (there I go another american word) 12 months, one in which I've grown, matured and learnt loads about myself.

Now for what's to come... Year number 2 has started off almost more exciting then Year number 1! Last week my boss asked me to leave Deepend and start a new business with him. It has really been the break I have been looking for, an opportunity for maximum responsibilty, challenges at every step of the way, stimulation of my brain and the chance to really take charge of something. I have been looking for months for a job with more stisfaction, and when this opened itself to me I jumped at the chance. Within 7 days he had decided to leave, resigned, employed me and I had resigned as well as bringing along another designer. Whilst alot of people have asked me if I am crazy to leave a secure job and start a startup in such a volatile time, but for me I really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. James, my boss, is great, he has an enourmous amount of knowledge, good contacts and reputation within the industry. We've got a bunch of old clients who have moved with us, and have so much work on our plate we are unsure how to get it all done... there are worse risks to take I think! So the new company is called Flint and it is slightly less interactive focussed then my work has been in the past, basically we are working with either existing companies launching new businesses and products, or with startups, entrepreneurs with exciting ideas but need help building their idea and producing a market leading product/service. Our job is to help them develop this and position them competitively within their market, research their competition and develop ideas allowing them to differentiate. Thats step 1, step 2 comes once the strategy has been developed, and invloves us helping them actually develop the product, business or service no matter its sphere, be it an online interactive startup, a new product, or a new service. Already we have 3 start up clients in the pipeline, all working with us to launch amazing new ideas. All going well we' ll be successful and I'll have an amazing time.

My mind right now is kinda like a tissue stuck in a washing machine,.. this has all happened over the past month, mum also came to town, we went to toronto and niagara. Having her here was lots of fun and a great addition to all the chaos... today I'm on a plane to New Orleans, and in less than 2 weeks I just found out I'm on a plane back to Sydney to get a new visa. Amazing where life takes you if venture outside your comfort zone. Right now I'm just going along with it and enjoying the ride!

Sydney siders, I'll see you shortly, New Yorkers,you got me here for a little while longer!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

4 visitors. 3 states. 2 months.

so thats where I've been.... Summer has hit, although it could be easily mistaken for some other season.. not summer... its incredible, it has hardly stopped raining... infact i read that in June it rained 4 out of every 5 days... lovely when its mixed with 95% humidity and yet I still found myself in my gumboots trudging to work.. yes you're right, gross... so I decided to leave for a bit... first port.. Seattle..

My first venture to the west coast (apart from the obligatory LA/SanFran airport visits) was to the rainy city for a Netball tournament...just to clarify, no I'm no pro who gets shipped around the country to play netball, not sure if I've explained it before but as Netball is not a sport known to Americans (infact when I tell them I play netball they more often then not think I'm saying nipple... story for another time) anyway as there aren't enough teams in the country to form a regular tournament, different teams around the country host tournament days and invite teams from other states... it ends up being a full on day of round robin type netball, usually a 9 - 6 affair, approx 8 games, and lots of sore muscles... but nonetheless a good opportunity to see the country! So back to Seattle... and my lovely king size bed at the Westin... we got a sweet deal in the heart of the city, so at least the night before the big day was a comfortable one.. so we played a lovely tournament, great teams, great competition, and through some technicality we actually won the biggest trophy of the day, all came away with medals...and followed the evening with a celebratory meal in downtown seattle... what was slated for a big night out ended with all of us falling asleep around the dinner table...

The next day a few of us stayed in the city to do some exploring... we went down to Pike Place for a nice brunch, saw the fish markets with men throwing fish around the place, visited the first ever Starbucks and then boarded the Ride the Duck Seattle tour. With quackers in hand we woke up the sleepy city blowing our duck horns as we checked out the sites with our crazy duck driver.. we passed the important sites, the outside of the Grey's Anatomy hospital, Seattle Grace, (its not really a hospital, just an office block... I know i was devastated too!!) and then some sporting grounds and thats about all i remember! The duck took a dip into the lake/river not sure what it was... and toured the houseboats which many Seattle folk choose to live in.. truly is a pretty seaside town,... we passed the Sleepless In Seattle houseboat ala Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks and then ventured back to dry land... We then ventured back to dry land, went up the space needle, thats the tallest structure in Seattle, and got a pretty view of the nice city. By the afternoon our muscles were cramping again so we found lovely seats outside an Irish pub and parked ourselves there in the afternoon sun until it was time for our red eye overnight flight home... I love that I have found this netball team... its truly a group of about 30 fantastic girls, i look forward every week to our training sessions, most are aussie/english or new zealand expats.. all on the same journey as I am, its great sharing stories, socialising together as well as keeping fit!

Next up was Miami, if you're into fishbowl margharita's, fake boobs, hot cars and rhinestones this place is for you. I headed down with Romy to escape the New York summer rain (think belinda carlisle :P We met up with Audrey down there, and for the first time ever I sat in the sun and did nothing! So unlike me... For 4 days straight I either sat by the pool or on the beach and did nothing! By day three yes I was getting a bit anxious, left the girls baking and headed to go for a bit of window shopping, I didnt buy anything, even though those rhinestone covered jeans, hats, singlets, belts and shoes were so appealing... every shop seemed to sell the same te-shirts saying 'Im in Miami Bitch', i'm still trying to understand it, i feel like there's a joke and I'm just not getting it... anyway the highlight of my walk was checking out amazing hotel after amazing hotel... they know how to build great pools in miami! the art deco buildings also rekindled my love of architecture.. to such an extent I have spent more then a few moments recently wanting to go back to school (...so american) and study architecture like i wanted to 1o years ago... still a dream, but maybe one day reality... who knows... anyway back to miami, our hotel, The Clevelander... before you book it, talk to me please! whilst it was fairly nice, and clean, there motto when you complained about noisy neighbours, was Well why don't you just join there party!' and whilst spending the night with Crystal and her 15 girlfriends celebrating her 25th was appealing, sleep was the preferred option... was a nice few days, and much needed beach/sea/fresh air break... recommend it to all... Florida is a state I can see myself visiting again and again...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So you're either really excited to find a new entry here, or I've lost you all cos I haven't written in a while... apologies as usual, but as you probably know I've just been too busy having too much fun to write.. just kidding... life just flies by, but here I am so that's all that's important... I've just got back from Sydney (well nearly three weeks ago now), seems like ages ago! It was interesting going on a holiday back home, not sure what too expect, but by the end of it i was kinda sad to leave :P
The flight back home was good... I got upgraded (thanks again jase :P) and I ended up sitting next to an old friend from uni which was a bonus... I got through 3 dinners in a row and about 12 movies. Finally got to Sydney and oggled the vast expanse of sky I could see everywhere, as well as grass on the sidewalk... both things almost foreign to me now! Whilst it was great to see all my family and friends, for the first week all I wanted was to be back in NY... I guess that means I'm not so ready to come home just yet... nothing at home was as good as it is over here right now... not in an offensive way, but to me it just meant I have more personal growth and exploration to do over here before I decide to come back home... (hey you should stop complaining and be happy the phrase 'before I decide to come back home' was in that sentence!!) By the end of the first day I'd caught up with those near and dear, and of course visited WBJ... can you believe it, WBJ on my first day!! im sick...but it was mum's fault. I didnt buy anything there till my second day though so thats still thats impressive...
...great now its been 2.5 weeks I've forgotten what i did....lots of breakfasts, lots of lunches... lots of drinks!! I spent a great day with my sister cruising the harbour which was lots of fun and spent quality time with all those that mattered... I went to Melbourne for a quick 12 hour stint which was awesome (sorry if you live there and i didnt see you, it really only had one purpose).... and i also got to welcome beautiful maya into the world...by the second week I was much more comfortable being at home and enjoyed myself a lot more, it may have been that I was over the jet lag, but i think more then that i was just slipping back into life as it was before i left... not in a bad way, but it's something I'm just not ready to slip back into yet...leaving was sad, but it was a little better knowing the night before I left I booked my next ticket back home... and no sorry its not a one way just yet...
..so back in the city that never sleeps is great, thats almost what I've been doing!! Memorial Day long weekend was lots of fun.. dont think I've done as much in one long weekend then I have then... i wont bore you with all the details, but the two highlights being discovering a new bar.. called the frying pan it is new yorks answer to watsons bay... a massive deck out on the hudson river, bands playing at night, sangria and burgers in the day, and the beautiful sun (which yes has decided to come out) shining down on everyone...its a great atmosphere... I also got my ass back into excercise mode by going on a day hike about an hour north of the city... any excuse to get some clean fresh air is a highlight!!
Work is going well too, we've recently one 3 big projects so its all systems go and I'm being kept super busy... lucky I've booked my next to holidays and have something to look forward to, Seattle next weekend for a netball tournament, and Miami for the 4th of July holiday, can't wait for either..

now i need sleep.
hope all is good by you!
write soon... hugs and kisses, m. xx

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring has Sprung

and the rain is falling... my amazement for the seasons and the weather in this city continues... spring must be the rainy one. Just when I was trying to remember the last time it rained, as so little fell through winter (snow not included), it arrived. spring = rain. My third full season in NY, and yes this one is about rain. everyday. except yesterday which was a beautiful 17 degrees, but again today = rain. I guess it's needed, how else are the plants going to grow... one sec.. there are no plants in this city!!! but its still raining. And I have wet socks.

Enough whinging. When I wrote that first paragraph it was the 6th of April. Today is the 17th and the weather is a balmy 21 degrees... the warmest its been since October! Tomorrow is going to be 22 and I'm going for a picnic in central park! But like usual, the rain returns on sunday. 9 degrees. hmph.

Not too much out of the ordinary has been happening... the past week has been Passover in the city ... It started off with first night seder... a friend of mine organised it at his house, originally it was 14, 8 girls, 6 guys, nice. Thanks to google docs my new fave application we had an updateable spreadsheet where everybody could fill in what they were bringing who they were bringing and so on... an excel masterpiece I tell you... anyway the night came and due to a series of misfortunes we ended up being 10 girls, 2 guys... I wonder if that was orchestrated... haha.. with our hagadot in one hand, finger puppets in the other, we had a lovely seder with our family away from our families...and like most jewish functions we rolled home not being able to move after eating so much... goodie bag in hand, I had enough food for the next 8 days... funny that a holiday celebrating release from egypt and slavery these days denotes gorging yourself with food and singing nonsense songs about goats... but we're jews and I guess it goes hand in hand... second night we skipped the praying and went straight to the eating. I was invited to a restaraunt with my friend's family on the Upper East Side. Posh-a-rama... was a nice restaraunt with a 'Passover Menu'. Whilst other people sat there feasting on garlic bread, pasta, pizza and other yeast filled products our waiter served us plates of matza, lamb, chicken soup and the best flourless chocolate cake imaginable... it was a lovely night and a great way to start spoiling my diet. As I struggled through the rest of the week working out what to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner, I discovered I can make a mean steak and mashed sweet potato. come round for it anytime! I still havent found a replacement for porridge during pesach but this year matza with cheese was my staple breakfast. So last night pesach ended and I had already organised with a friend to go for a good burger and beer... whilst most cafe's and deli's in NY offer passover alternatives, counting down the last hours I felt like it was yom kippur... not eating yeast is hard.

l'shana haba'a b'yerushalayim. maybe.