Welcome to my blog! Like most times I try and write diaries, emails and all things which require words on paper, I get really in to it for about a day and then I lose interest... this time I hope it will be different...

You can help by leaving me comments on things I write.. If I know you've been reading that will give me motivation to keep writing :)Not sure what it will say, thoughts of the moment, things I've been doing perhaps, but most of all its my life in New York, my NY second, so hop on board for the ride :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Times are changing...

It's been over a year now in NY and things are starting to feel like home. I've finally learnt the value of each coin, I know the subway map like the back of my hand, my laundromat lady, Zarina and I are on first name basis, she makes her staff save my washing so she can fold it when she gets in, and words are starting to come out slightly Americanised, Tom-A-to, Wate-R, Z-ee, Sometimes its easier to just adapt rather than get questioned each time. The time has flown, I've visited a different state almost every month, entertained guests just as regularly on my famous blow up bed ("guarenteed to be the most comfiest bed ever slept on") and have spent almost every cent I've earnt on entertainment, concerts, plays, musicals, food, drinks, travel and clothing. It truly has been an awesome (there I go another american word) 12 months, one in which I've grown, matured and learnt loads about myself.

Now for what's to come... Year number 2 has started off almost more exciting then Year number 1! Last week my boss asked me to leave Deepend and start a new business with him. It has really been the break I have been looking for, an opportunity for maximum responsibilty, challenges at every step of the way, stimulation of my brain and the chance to really take charge of something. I have been looking for months for a job with more stisfaction, and when this opened itself to me I jumped at the chance. Within 7 days he had decided to leave, resigned, employed me and I had resigned as well as bringing along another designer. Whilst alot of people have asked me if I am crazy to leave a secure job and start a startup in such a volatile time, but for me I really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. James, my boss, is great, he has an enourmous amount of knowledge, good contacts and reputation within the industry. We've got a bunch of old clients who have moved with us, and have so much work on our plate we are unsure how to get it all done... there are worse risks to take I think! So the new company is called Flint and it is slightly less interactive focussed then my work has been in the past, basically we are working with either existing companies launching new businesses and products, or with startups, entrepreneurs with exciting ideas but need help building their idea and producing a market leading product/service. Our job is to help them develop this and position them competitively within their market, research their competition and develop ideas allowing them to differentiate. Thats step 1, step 2 comes once the strategy has been developed, and invloves us helping them actually develop the product, business or service no matter its sphere, be it an online interactive startup, a new product, or a new service. Already we have 3 start up clients in the pipeline, all working with us to launch amazing new ideas. All going well we' ll be successful and I'll have an amazing time.

My mind right now is kinda like a tissue stuck in a washing machine,.. this has all happened over the past month, mum also came to town, we went to toronto and niagara. Having her here was lots of fun and a great addition to all the chaos... today I'm on a plane to New Orleans, and in less than 2 weeks I just found out I'm on a plane back to Sydney to get a new visa. Amazing where life takes you if venture outside your comfort zone. Right now I'm just going along with it and enjoying the ride!

Sydney siders, I'll see you shortly, New Yorkers,you got me here for a little while longer!


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