Welcome to my blog! Like most times I try and write diaries, emails and all things which require words on paper, I get really in to it for about a day and then I lose interest... this time I hope it will be different...

You can help by leaving me comments on things I write.. If I know you've been reading that will give me motivation to keep writing :)Not sure what it will say, thoughts of the moment, things I've been doing perhaps, but most of all its my life in New York, my NY second, so hop on board for the ride :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

happy new year!

So its 2009. I've only just realised. A few weeks to late but yes, its here and its time to get into gear. I've never had a new years resolution and this year I've got 6. I'm not going to write them here because: a. fear of not completing them all and b. some of them are private, but nonetheless if you want to know, just get in touch... now there's incentive! I've written them down, next I'll plan their roll out... so organised of me!

I'm excited for the next 12 months! Im having an amazing time over here, and there's a world of opportunity at my feet... let's see how far I get!

For all of you, my friends, I wish only the best for you all in the next 12 months, with new jobs, new babies, new wives, new husbands, new friends, new homes, it looks like a great year ahead for all of us.

keep in touch and keep safe,
m xx.

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