Welcome to my blog! Like most times I try and write diaries, emails and all things which require words on paper, I get really in to it for about a day and then I lose interest... this time I hope it will be different...

You can help by leaving me comments on things I write.. If I know you've been reading that will give me motivation to keep writing :)Not sure what it will say, thoughts of the moment, things I've been doing perhaps, but most of all its my life in New York, my NY second, so hop on board for the ride :)

Friday, February 6, 2009


If you ever get the chance go see it! I recently saw this show, Fuerza Bruta, http://www.fuerzabrutanyc.com, arguably one of the best shows I've ever seen!... I know, I know, that's a big call... maybe its just the first time I've been to a show with that much audience participation, immersiveness and randomness... squashed into a not so large theatre with about 400 others into the dark, the ushers herded you around to different parts of the room like sheep whilst around us performers harnessed to the hilt sprawled around above our heads, swinging from every corner possible, crashing through walls, splashing through a massive glass bottom swimming pool as it lowered to about an inch from our noses, acrobatics, a house sized treadmill, bright lights, sprays from a giant water hose, thousands of pieces of paper blown all over you like snow from the sky, loud music, theatre like I've never seen, who could ask for anything more!

.... very new york.

disclaimer: don't see it if you don't like strobe, getting wet, standing, and the ocassional feeling of claustraphobia. this post does it no justice. go see it!

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