Welcome to my blog! Like most times I try and write diaries, emails and all things which require words on paper, I get really in to it for about a day and then I lose interest... this time I hope it will be different...

You can help by leaving me comments on things I write.. If I know you've been reading that will give me motivation to keep writing :)Not sure what it will say, thoughts of the moment, things I've been doing perhaps, but most of all its my life in New York, my NY second, so hop on board for the ride :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I am medium.

This week I had my first encounter of 'Oh you're from Australia...' scenarios. I was at my local corner store, one of about 15... and I bought a calling card, I asked him for the best one to call Australia, he blindly grabbed one off the wall and handed it to me. I paid for it, nothing unusual, then he says to me, 'Where are you from?', I said 'Australia', he said 'oh!'. I said how come you said 'oh', he said, 'I thought everyone in Australia was tall!', I said, 'we are not all giraffes no...' he said 'oh'.....'well I never see noone from Australia not very tall'... 'I call you medium'... I looked at him blankly, said 'thankyou', took my calling card and left.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perhaps you should drop off a book on syllogisms for him next time you are there.